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5280+ NOTABILIA - updated Friday, March 28, 2025 6:00am​​​​​​
Please "note" NEW MUSIC RETURN POLICY under MEMBERS subtab...
CALENDAR ISSUE: time discrepancy - we have contacted Google and still have not been able to resolve it, so please note that when CALENDAR entries are opened for details the function TIMES may NOT BE IN SYNC with the main calendar data. The MAIN information is correct, the detail may not be. We will continue to attempt a fix to this but may NOT be successful. So, FYI, please be alert.​​
please go to MEMBERS tab and HOMEWORK submenu for detailed dress rehearsal & concert dates & arrival times! ​​​
PLEASE check the CALENDAR tab for upcoming events, rehearsals and performances dates, times, locations & details.
Our Mission: The 5280+ Senior Chorales Exist to Provide Significant and Measurable
Health and Wellness Benefits of Choral Singing to Mature Adults
Come Sing With Us!
We provide two 10-week programs each year in the spring and fall,
culminating in spring (April) and fall/holiday (November) concerts.
In the JOIN US menu, select the IN PERSON submenu to see
our locations, days, times & registration information for:
HIGHLANDS RANCH (CO) 5280+ Senior Chorale
PARKER (CO) 5280+ Senior Chorale
Even if you've NEVER sung before or haven't in many, many years,
when you sing with us you'll be wondering why you didn't join sooner!
Your IN PERSON registration fee for our program INCLUDES:​
Instruction by professional, degreed musicians with many years of experience in choral direction and performance nationally
Rehearsals specifically designed for seniors as related in our mission statement
Ten 2-hour rehearsals at approved presenting sponsor locations
All music scores (most are 4-part SATB) that are yours to mark and keep
Online access to professionally-recorded practice tracks (computer & smartphone)
Online access to videos of our weekly rehearsals (computer & smartphone)
An additional pre-concert bonus "dress" rehearsal
A formal CONCERT PERFORMANCE for your family and friends at the end of the semester; open to the public and free of charge!
Possible special performance opportunities
The opportunity to learn and make beautiful music together, develop new friendships, make great memories, socialize together and HAVE LOTS OF FUN!!
And all this value for under $8/hr - now where can you find this much education and HEALTHY ENJOYMENT anywhere else?