Always remember to REFRESH each time you visit a page!
5280+ NOTABILIA - updated Friday, March 28, 2025 6:00am​​​​​​
Please "note" NEW MUSIC RETURN POLICY under MEMBERS subtab...
CALENDAR ISSUE: time discrepancy - we have contacted Google and still have not been able to resolve it, so please note that when CALENDAR entries are opened for details the function TIMES may NOT BE IN SYNC with the main calendar data. The MAIN information is correct, the detail may not be. We will continue to attempt a fix to this but may NOT be successful. So, FYI, please be alert.​​
please go to MEMBERS tab and HOMEWORK submenu for detailed dress rehearsal & concert dates & arrival times! ​​​
PLEASE check the CALENDAR tab for upcoming events, rehearsals and performances dates, times, locations & details.
Our Mission: The 5280+ Senior Chorales Exist to Provide Significant and Measurable
Health and Wellness Benefits of Choral Singing to Mature Adults
About Our Performances
Our high-resolution YouTube videos provide much flexibility and allow you to download (with a premium subscription) and/or cast to a TV or other viewing source (if you have that functionality). There is a "full screen" viewing option on the bottom right-hand corner of each YouTube video to watch the video in full screen size. We have made a concerted (get it?) effort to provide you with improved quality audio tracks and for maximum enjoyment suggest you listen to these audio & video recordings with high fidelity speakers or headphones, if possible. Enjoy!!
Watch this space for expanding information on upcoming Spring 2025 concerts...
To learn more about our Fall repertoire, by Debi Simons:
5280+ Senior Chorales Fall 2024 Concerts
Celebrating our 10th Anniversary Season - Nov 2024
Audio recordings are in the white boxes. Click orange circle to play - select from song list.
Select video by name banner to view on YouTube page.
In YouTube, expand view to full page by clicking icon in the bottom right of the video box.
Download (with premium YouTube subscription) or cast (if setup on your system) to your TV or large screen device
Note: the song lists and location information is located under the video box on the left side
5280+ Senior Chorales Summer 2024 Concert
kicking off our 10th Anniversary Season
Enjoy video or audio options with quality speakers or headset, if possible.
Let us know what you think. info@5280chorales.org
Want to see some photos of this concert?
Please click on this photo to enjoy the photo album!